We have moved this website to be a part of the Harriet Alexander Nature Center‘s webpages within the city of Roseville’s website. Please visit cityofroseville.com/wildrice.
We thank our sponsor of the 2022 Festival, Festival Enthusiast, Ken Malmstedt. We are also indebted to Festival Partners, Pow Wow Grounds Cafe and Gibbs Farm (Ramsey Co. Historical Society).

VOLUNTEERS are always needed and most welcome, not just at the Wild Rice Festival, but at other Parks and Rec. events as well. If interested, please contact the Roseville Volunteer Coordinator, (651) 792-7028 or . Thanks!
Unveiling the Extraordinary: Exploring the World's Most Obscure Festivals
In a world as diverse as ours, celebrations come in all shapes, sizes, and themes. While many of us are familiar with mainstream festivals like Mardi Gras, Diwali, and Oktoberfest, there exists a realm of festivities that lie far beyond the boundaries of the ordinary. These are the obscure festivals, where tradition, culture, and often an unexpected twist collide to create unforgettable experiences. From tomatoes being hurled in Spain to the mesmerizing sight of lanterns floating in the sky, humanity's creativity knows no bounds when it comes to celebrating life's oddities.
Phallus Festival: Embracing Fertility in Japan. In the town of Kawasaki, Japan, the Kanamara Matsuri, or Phallus Festival, is celebrated every spring. This unique festival is dedicated to fertility, and you guessed it – phalluses! Participants carry and parade around giant phallic-shaped shrines, eat phallus-themed treats, and even participate in contests involving... yes, you guessed it again – "dick ratings." The event, while risqué in nature, carries a more profound cultural message about embracing all aspects of life and fertility.